Catch up on APA WA news!

Volume XLV, Issue 13

May 12, 2023

Engaging Young Native Voices in Kalispel Tribe’s First                Comprehensive Master Land Use Plan

The Kalispel Tribe’s Community Planning Department, in partnership with SCJ Alliance, is creating its first Master Land Use Plan. As part of that planning effort, Kalispel Tribe planning staff engaged students at Cusick High School to share their visions for the future of the area.

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            Section Positions Open for Nominations

Nominate Yourself or a Colleague by May 19

The Washington Chapter of APA is asking for interested members/nominees to fill open positions on the Board for the next term. You will interact quarterly during Board meetings, and once a month for a brief Executive Committee meeting during which Chapter leadership discusses important aspects of Planning to help guide the state on a variety of key issues and actions. Most meetings are conducted via zoom. Term begins November 2023.

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  2023 Excellence in Planning Awardees Honored at  Planning Association of Washington PAW Conference

For the 37th year, the Washington Chapter of the American Planning Association (APA-WA) and the Planning Association of Washington (PAW) jointly honored outstanding contributions to the field of planning in Washington State.  

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      Upcoming Webinar: Talking on Matters of Race

AICP Exam Prep Introduction

The 2021 amendments (HB 1220) to the Growth Management Act require that jurisdictions identify policies and regulations that result in racially disparate impacts, displacement and exclusion in housing. Jurisdictions must also work with their communities to identify and implement policies and regulations that begin to undo such impacts.

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                                Trivia Question

The Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area, which stretches across the border between Washington and Oregon, was established in 1986 to protect the region's natural beauty and cultural resources. Which of the following planning tools was implemented to manage urban development and land use within the scenic area?

A. Urban Growth Boundaries
B. Transfer of Development Rights (TDR)
C. Greenbelts
D. Cluster Zoning

*Find out the answer in the next issue.


The answer to last issue's trivia question: B. (The 1962 World's Fair)


Interested in submitting an article for the next newsletter? 


Contact the APA WA Communications Committee! Email Riya Debnath and Ben Braudrick at [email protected].

American Planning Association, Washington Chapter

[email protected] | (206) 682-7436 |