Section Positions Open for Nominations
Nominate Yourself or a Colleague by May 19
The Washington Chapter of APA is asking for interested members/nominees to fill open positions on the Board for the next term. You will interact quarterly during Board meetings, and once a month for a brief Executive Committee meeting where Chapter leadership discusses important aspects of Planning to help guide the state on a variety of key issues and actions. Most meetings are conducted via zoom. Term begins November 2023.
Open Board Positions
- VICE- PRESIDENT – VP assists the President with overall Chapter responsibilities and carries out other duties assigned by the President or in the absence of the President. In the past the VP has assumed additional responsibilities as the Chapter’s liaison to the Section Presidents. Please contact Judith Perez, current VP if interested in knowing more about the responsibilities of the VP at [email protected].
- TREASURER – Responsible for the oversight of the funds and securities of the Chapter and that all such monies are deposited in the name of the Chapter to such federally-insured institutions. Assists President, VP and/or Pres Elect in preparing an annual budget for review by the Board. Please contact Al Torrico to learn about the position, [email protected].
- SECRETARY – Notifies members of meetings, postings to Basecamp. At meetings, establishes quorum, takes minutes, updates Chapter roster, and other duties as required from the President. Please contact Dinah Reed at [email protected] if you would like to learn more about this position.
Section Positions Open for Nominations
- Inland Empire Section: Contact Amy Hilland at [email protected]
- Columbia Section: Contact Erin Braich at [email protected]
- Northwest Section: Contact Katarina Bunge at [email protected]
- Southwest Section: Contact Samuel Rubin at [email protected]
- President-Elect
- Treasurer
- Secretary
- South Sound Section: Contact Valerie Smith at [email protected]
- President
- Vice-President
- Treasurer
- Secretary
- Peninsula Section: Contact Kell Rowen at [email protected]
- Treasurer
- President
- President-Elect
- Jefferson County Representative
- Puget Sound Section: Contact Manuel Sota at [email protected]
- President-Elect
- Treasurer
How to Nominate
Ask your colleagues before nominating them. Contact Dinah Reed if interested at [email protected] / (253) 931-3092. Online instructions for nominations will be provided in the near future. Candidates for the APA Washington Board must be members in good standing with APA National at the time of their nomination and must have their primary place of residence, or primary place of work, or both in Washington.