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Year in ReviewThe chapter's leadership had a busy year, an exciting one for the chapter. The chapter board of directors met in March, June, October, and December - about 12 hours of meetings. The executive committee of the board, which includes the chapter officers and section presidents, meets more frequently for timely oversight of the chapter's work: a few days before each board meeting and in each of the months that the full board didn't meet. Many thanks to the board and executive committee members for some 25 hours of working meetings and all the preparations that come with it. The board's major initiatives in 2022 included reinvigorating many of the chapter's functions after the pandemic turmoil; preparing the first in-person conference in several years, planning for a sustainable scholarship program to support the next generations of professional planners, and developing and implementing a new sponsorship program with annual packages. National APA made progress on the four strategic initiatives of the larger organization: prioritize equity, reframe the voice of planning, upskill planners, and pursue digital relevance. On the research and learning front, nine new Planning Advisory Service memos and reports were released. Find them, and more at the APA Knowledge Center. PAS memos
PAS reports