Catch up on APA WA news!

Volume XLVII , Issue 15

July 7, 2023

               Who Doesn't Drive, Where Are They, and                                          Why Does it Matter?

Written by

Anish Tailor; Michael Hintze, AICP; Manuel Soto, AICP  

An equitable transportation system provides access to affordable and reliable travel options for all people. Our transportation systems play a vital role in helping people meet their daily needs, facilitating social bonds, and providing access to opportunities such as employment and education, and economic exchange. If a person can drive and has access to a car, they can generally meet their daily needs in most places in Washington State. But what about people who don’t or can’t drive? 

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      APA WA 2023: Proposal Submissions Deadline
                               Has Been Extended

Call for Sessions

The deadline to submit your session proposals for the 2023 Annual Planning Conference, Leading the Change: Ideas from Around the State, to be held October 11–13, 2023, at the Davenport Grand Hotel in Spokane, WA has been extended until Friday, July 16. 

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              Sponsorship and Exhibitor Information

Partner with APA WA

It is our pleasure to invite you to sponsor the 2023 APA Washington Annual Conference, Leading the Change: Ideas from Around the State, to be held October 11–13 in Spokane, Washington. This is an exciting opportunity to add your voice to others who are actively involved in working to create great communities. Your organization can be an active partner by participating as a sponsor while also networking and collaborating with your peers and clients.

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                          Professional Development

Apply for the AICP Exam Scholarship

Don't miss out on applying for the AICP Exam Reduced Fee Diversity Scholarship!  APA defines Diversity as an inclusive concept that encompasses, but is not limited to, race, ethnicity, class, gender, age, sexuality, ability, educational attainment, spiritual beliefs, creed, culture, tribal affiliation, nationality, financial status, immigration status, political beliefs, or veteran status, etc.

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                                  Trivia Question

What significant urban planning initiative was launched by the city of Vancouver, Washington, in 2018, aiming to revitalize its waterfront area and connect it to the city's downtown core? 

A. The Waterfront Vancouver Project 
B. The Columbia River Rejuvenation 
C. The Vancouver Estuary Development 
D. The River District Plan 

*Find out the answer in the next issue.


The answer to last issue's trivia question: D. (Thea Foss Waterway )


Interested in submitting an article for the next newsletter? 

Contact the APA WA Communications Committee! Email Riya Debnath and Ben Braudrick at [email protected].

American Planning Association, Washington Chapter

[email protected] | (206) 682-7436 |