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Sustainable Washington3. Actions Planners Can Take - Introduction“Uncertainty is a component of planning, not a reason to avoid planning” — Marketa McGuire, research scientist, UW Climate Impacts Group How do we begin?Where should planning for climate change begin? You can begin by acting on what you can control. Local governments can affect their own operations, regulate activities within their jurisdictions, and help in the education and mobilization of their citizens. Moving beyond these efforts, local jurisdictions can also be active participants in and advocates for larger regional, state or even national movements for change. The U.S. Mayors’ Climate Protection Agreement (see Chapter 1) is but one example of this longer term approach. Reasons for local, regional and state governments to be proactive Within a traditional planning framework, one of the key places to start is to understand the problem. Begin by surveying the current research on climate change, particularly research specific to your region and area of interest. Good sources to start with are websites such as the UW-Climate Impacts Group and the State’s Climate Advisory Team. An excellent adaptation planning tool — the UW-Climate Impacts Group Climate Change Adaptation Guidebook. — is also available online. Another source of important information can be a local or community-wide greenhouse gas inventory. If your jurisdiction has completed an inventory, it can indicate where your efforts may have the most impact, or how your community differs from others. If you haven’t already done one, consider investing the time needed to complete one. Working beyond the information stage, you will need to develop a policy framework that is integrated with your local planning system. This can be done by: 1) adding goals and policies that address climate change issues into your existing plans, or 2) developing a new “Sustainability” or “Climate Change” element within your comprehensive plan. The important thing is to make sure that the policy direction you add is not a stand-alone statement — it needs to be integrated with your entire plan, as well as with municipal operations.
Examples of such plans and other resources can also be found on the Municipal Services Research Center website. It is important that a local government establish a framework to shape its efforts in planning for climate change. Several organizations have developed approaches to the problem, and planners should evaluate which one works best for their community. The ICLEI Cities for Climate Protection Campaign[1] has been used by a number of cities in Washington. The methodology is based on the achievement of five milestones:
While many other issues can, and should, be addressed, a good starting point for a climate action plan is to focus on a single metric — the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. The ICLEI methodology is further explained below.
Introduction to Action TopicsThe following sections of Chapter 3.0 contain suggested actions for each of eleven different subject areas. These actions encompass both mitigation and adaptation responses to climate change. Actions for each topic are divided into three groups: Getting Started, Making a Commitment, and Expanding the Commitment into more challenging policies and programs. APA recognizes that different jurisdictions are in different stages of climate change response, and will want to find actions appropriate to their circumstances and available resources. Naturally, this segregation is also based on current thinking and will evolve over time, but the intent is to give some sense of the degree of challenge or difficulty implied by the different actions. Each action item ends with suggestions as to which level of government is appropriate to the task: Local Action, Regional Action, or State Action. In some cases, action items apply to two or three levels of government, and therefore several are listed. Appendix A provides a complete listing of action items, their levels of commitment, and the appropriate spheres of governmental action. Hazard ResponseClimate change impacts are expected to increase the risks and hazards to our communities. Changes in weather and water resource patterns, sea level rise, increases in the range and incidence of forest fires and drought, and an increase in the frequency and intensity of weather events are some of the more obvious impacts that can be anticipated. It is important to understand that unavoidable climate change impacts will result from the effects of existing concentrations of GHG and emissions rates. As planners, it is important that we identify and plan for these risks. Ecosystems and WaterClimate change will exacerbate existing problems with the quantity and quality of both groundwater and surface water. Surface water streams and wetlands are already in jeopardy from increases in pervious surfaces and non-point source pollution. While individual elements of the ecosystem have their own unique value, the ecosystem elements also function together to provide ecosystem services which provide important benefits to society. Increasing temperatures and altered precipitation patterns resulting from climate change will add additional stress to these systems. EnergyNearly all of our greenhouse gas emissions are the result of our use of energy, either through primary combustion of fuels or use of secondary sources such as electricity. Our relationship with energy is central to our economy and quality of life Washington’s unique hydroelectric resource and opportunities for renewable generation create both problems and opportunities for climate change mitigation. Waste ManagementThe waste products of modern society are related to the problems of energy conservation and climate change through a number of pathways. The greatest public attention has been paid to industrial and mixed solid wastes; we have a long history of increasingly sophisticated landfill management and recycling programs. Less attention has been given to biosolids produced by treatment of municipal waste water. These waste streams constitute both a source of greenhouse gas emissions and a potential resource stream. Achieving a more sustainable economy will require a much closer examination of embodied energy and material cycling to increase the energy efficiency of our technological society. Land UseWhile our cities represent the greatest consumers of energy, they also provide the greatest opportunity to lessen emissions. The creation of dense mixed use centers are now understood to be the centerpiece for achieving long term climate action goals. Both large and small cities and towns will benefit from the creation of compact activity centers where live, work, shop and play activities can occur without the use of car trips for each activity. Land use changes of the type needed to address climate change will be accomplished in large part by local governments.. Planners play a central role in creating land use plans that define the patterns of growth in our cities and towns MobilityFor Washington State, the transportation sector is the largest source of global warming emissions, contributing 47% of the total annual emissions. Local governments and community-based initiatives are critical for reducing Washington’s greenhouse gas emissions through their transportation and land use planning, development permitting processes, local ordinances, public education, and municipal operations. Food Security and AgricultureAgriculture is the largest sector of the Washington economy —generating $8.2 billion per year in agricultural output in 2007. Washington’s agriculture is also an important source of food supplies for the nation, which will be increasingly stressed under the demands of population growth and the impacts of climate change. Our current, food systems also contribute to greenhouse gas production, requiring new solutions to food systems to reduce carbon emission impacts. Construction and Green BuildingsThe built environment (fuel use, electricity consumption, and waste management together) contributes 43% of the green house gas emissions in Washington state The full lifecycle of the built environment contributes to climate change - from the production of construction materials, through construction itself, the on-going use and maintenance of our structures and infrastructure, and finally, demolition/deconstruction. Yet bringing energy efficiency and conservation technologies to our existing building stock is one of the lowest-cost, highest-return investments we can make toward reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Widespread adoption of high performance green building technologies has significant potential for reducing greenhouse gas emissions from our growing cities. Social EquityThe impacts of climate change will not fall evenly on all segments of the population. At a global level and in our own country, these impacts will fall disproportionately on those segments of our society that are both less responsible for GHG emissions and less capable of adapting to climate change impacts. As planners, we have a responsibility to identify these equity issues and include consideration for these groups in our mitigation and adaptation plans. Public HealthRecently scientists have begun assessing how climate change could affect human health. Increased morbidity and mortality from infectious diseases and increased frequency of extreme heat events are now recognized as significant likely impacts of global climate change. Also, the increased frequency of severe storms and extreme rainfall events bring the threat of increased flooding and waterborne diseases. Adaptation to these impacts will be costly in both dollars and lives; mitigation is necessary to minimize the risk of these events. EconomyEconomists and the business industry recognize the tremendous risks posed by climate change - the disruption to supply or distribution chains; impact on the availability of raw material; the damage to physical infrastructure; unforeseen human losses; and the cost of withstanding or rebuilding from more devastating natural catastrophes are a few examples of how climate change disasters could temporarily or permanently damage businesses. At the same time, transformation of the global economy to a more efficient, post-fossil fuel model presents tremendous opportunities. Footnotes 1 ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability is a membership organization of local governments committed to sustainable development.