Complete Streets for Transportation Projects

Session 1D | Wednesday | 9:45 – 11:00 AM PT

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About the Session

In order to improve the safety, mobility, and accessibility of state highways, the legislature directed WSDOT to incorporate the principles of complete streets in state transportation projects and to plan, design, and construct facilities that provide street access with all users in mind, including pedestrians, bicyclists, and public transportation users.

This new requirement was passed as part of the Move Ahead Washington package in the 2022 legislative session and is effective for state transportation projects starting design on or after July 1, 2022, with a project cost of $500,000 or more. This provides a tremendous opportunity to expand and improve connectivity on the state's active transportation network and build partnerships between WSDOT and local jurisdictions to provide mobility options and increase the quality of life in communities across the state. Come learn the latest on the Complete Streets project development process at WSDOT, partnership, and funding opportunities, and how you can plan for Complete Street opportunities in your community as part of future state transportation projects.

About the Speakers

Norene Pen, PE, PTOE
Washington State Department of Transportation

Norene Pen is the Assistant Director of WSDOT's Multimodal Planning and Data Division where he leads division-wide activities and heads the Transportation Data, GIS and Modeling Group, supporting three offices to ensure integrated roadway, traffic, and crash data fulfills federal requirements and meets multimodal business needs of federal, state, tribal and local agency partners. He has transportation experience in the private sector and state and local government, with roles in the field, operations, engineering design, and planning, and in project and program delivery. Norene comes most recently from WSDOT's Northwest Region, where he was the Area Traffic Engineer for Snohomish County & Mount Baker Area. Prior to joining WSDOT, he held multiple roles at the City of Seattle and consulting firms. Norene brings strong organizational leadership experience, an understanding of the importance of data and planning to inform decision-making, and a passion for advancing multimodal transportation and equity in transportation.

Kelly Smith
WSDOT Southwest Region

Kelly Smith is the Multi-Modal Manager in WSDOT’s Southwest Region Planning Department where she leads corridor studies and active transportation coordination for the region. She works closely with regional partners and the community to achieve safe, complete, and comfortable multimodal transportation systems that are context sensitive. She has transportation planning experience in the private sector and state government, with degrees from Portland State University and Pacific Lutheran University.

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