Reviewing a Draft Comprehensive Plan Update in a High School Classroom
Fall 2015


By Steve Butler, FAICP

A Foster High School history teacher wanted to have a Civics class focus on a real life event happening in her students’ city. The city – Tukwila, WA – was in the midst of undertaking a major update of its comprehensive plan. So, that teacher had her students break up into teams, with each group tasked with reviewing and discussing a specific chapter/element of the draft Comprehensive Plan Update.

One outcome of this classroom focus was that the students wrote a fantastic, well-written letter to the Mayor Elect about the updated Comprehensive Plan, which was well received by the Tukwila City Council and planning staff.

Supporting materials include: An open letter to Tukwila’s new mayor.

For more information contact: Andrea Gamboa at Foster High School [email protected] or Laura Benjamin at the City of Tukwila Community Development Department [email protected]

Image: Newspaper clip from the Tukwila Reporter in November 18, 2015

Tags: Youth, Planners, Teachers, Comprehensive Planning, Social Studies, Language Arts, Grades 9-12,

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