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Webinar: Helping Communities Manage COVID-19: Learning from Age-Friendly Approaches
Thursday, August 27, 2020, 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM PDT
Category: Webinar

The Coronavirus pandemic has upended communities and highlighted differences in access to health, secure housing, and transportation by age, income, and race.  Older adults have been particularly hard-hit, particularly people who were already at risk of isolation and food insecurity.

Join the Maryland Department of Planning and the Smart Growth Network at 1 p.m. Eastern, Thursday, August 26, when Danielle Arigoni, Director of Livable Communities at AARP and Lindsey Wallace of the National Main Street Center examine how communities can use an “age-friendly” lens to respond to the COVID-19 crisis and deploy strategies to help them recover from the pandemic.

This will be the third offering of Planning With Purpose: A Smart Growth Network Webinar Series on Community Revitalization, hosted by the Maryland Department of Planning in coordination with the Smart Growth Network. 

Find out more and register here