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President’s Corner | February 2025Chad Eiken, AICP, Chapter PresidentChapter Work Plan Finalized by Executive Committee I’m pleased to report that the Chapter’s 2025 Work Plan developed by the Board at the December Retreat was finalized by the Executive Committee last month. This document – which is very ambitious– will guide our board, section and committee work for the rest of the year and will implement the 2025-29 Strategic Plan which was adopted last year. The work plan will be updated periodically to reflect the status of the action items. Please take a minute to scan the work plan and let us know if there are any action items you can assist us with in completing! View the Work PlanNPC25 in Denver APA’s Annual Planning Conference is in Denver this year, from March 29-April 1, and I’m hoping many of you will be able to attend. I’ll be there and will be looking for a location for Washington Chapter members to meet up one of the evenings – more info to come in the March newsletter on that. Pro Tip: Take it from me, the consummate procrastinator – the conference hotels fill up fast so if you want to stay close to the convention center, don’t wait until the last minute! Volunteers Still Needed We accomplished a lot in 2024, and with your help we can do even more in 2025. That’s right – we need more of you to step up and help spread the workload, especially on our committees and Section boards. We are particularly in urgent need of volunteers to serve on this year’s Conference Committee (in Tacoma) to create an exciting program, select compelling keynote speakers, and plan fun social events, with regular meetings to start in February. We have openings for you if you can help us out. We also have a vacant position (appointed) on the Board for to serve as Chair of the Indigenous Committee and provide a link between the Board and our Tribal partners throughout the state. If you are interested in serving on these or any other committee, please drop the APA Office a line at [email protected], and they’ll get you plugged in.