Unlocking the Power of Transportation Electrification

Session 4C | Thursday | 8:45 AM – 10:00 AM (PT)

About the Session

How can cities, counties, and regional agencies develop relevant and impactful strategies to address climate change and reduce their local greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from the transportation system? How can electrification as a critical strategy fit within broader policies and climate change action plans that many communities have adopted over the past decade? How can cities and partner agencies help advance the electrification of the transportation system? These questions will be discussed through a panel of at least three speakers to offer a diverse set of perspectives on how communities can think about electrifying the transportation system.

About the Moderator
Aaron Gooze, AICP
Principal, Fehr & Peers

Aaron is a Principal with 15 years of experience in the transportation industry. He serves as our zero-emissions transportation expert in the Pacific Northwest and has led studies focused on electric fleet conversions, Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) modeling, ridership forecasting, and electric supply equipment prioritization. He has supported local and regional agencies such as the Seattle Department of Transportation, Sound Transit, Port of Seattle, and King County Metro to support their efforts in operating a more efficient and more environmental transportation system.

About the Speakers
Jeffrey Wyatt Raker
Senior Transportation Planner, City of Shoreline

Jeff serves as a Senior Transportation Planner for the City of Shoreline. He led an electric charging feasibility study and is on a team coordinating engagement with residents and property owners of multifamily and affordable housing to identify opportunities for transportation electrification. He is also managing the City's electric scooter/bikeshare pilot program. He has extensive experience in economic development, equitable development strategies, smart growth, transportation planning, environmental planning, and public policy in the Pacific Northwest.

Scott Cooper

Energy Planning Supervisor, Seattle City Light

Scott Cooper leads a team at Seattle City Light's Customer Energy Solutions Division responsible for delivering a suite programs with the goal of helping City Light customers transition to electric vehicles. These programs include public charging, multifamily and single-family charging, and fleet electrification, with more programs and projects in the works. Scott has been in the energy industry for about 15 years, starting out in energy auditing and then customer solar, before finding his way to utility customer energy programs. He is Seattle born and bred and takes great pride in being civil servant for his hometown and helping drive the region towards carbon neutrality. Scott has two kids, lives in the Green Lake neighborhood, and enjoys getting out on his bike to soak in beauty of the northwest, both on and off road.


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