2022 Joint APA/PAW Award Recipients

Award Winners and Honorable Mention Selections

Category 2022 Award Plan 2022 Award Recipient
Comprehensive Plan Large Cities and Counties

Thurston County Habitat Conservation Plan

Thurston County

Comprehensive Plan Large Cities and Counties

2022 JBLM Growth Coordination Plan

AHBL, in association with South Sound Military and Communities Partnership, The Schreifer Group Transpo Group, EcoNorthwest, and Michael Baker International

Comprehensive Plan, Small Cities & Counties

Midtown Planning District

City of Snohomish

Community Involvement

Little Saigon 2030 Action Plan

BERK Consulting, in association with Friends of Little Sai Gon

Community Involvement

Spokane Parks and Natural Lands Master Plan

City of Spokane Parks and Recreation, in association with Design Workshop, Inc.


Washington State Active Transportation Plan, 2020 and Beyond

Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT)

 Implementation/Sustainability Malden Planning Report Town of Malden, in association with SCJ Alliance, Avista, and the Washington State Department of Commerce 

Climate Change Public Perception Study

UW Evans School of Public Policy & Governance with the City of Lakewood

The awards program is intended to bring attention and deserved recognition to public and private sector planning efforts, as well as student projects in university planning programs.  Specific details concerning the awards program are available as part of the nomination form.