National APA Policy Guides for Adoption at NPC19 Delegate Assembly
Three policy guides – APA Surface Transportation Policy Guide, APA Housing Policy Guide, and APA Planning for Equity Policy Guide were released on Tuesday, April 2, 2019, by National APA for consideration and adoption at the 2019 National Planning Conference Delegate Assembly scheduled for Sunday, April 14, 2019. The Washington APA Chapter has 5 delegates who volunteered to review the policy guides and attend the Delegate Assembly: Paula Reeves, Shane Hope, Esther Larsen, Nikole Coleman, and Patrick Lynch.
National APA has made a major change from past assemblies designed to expedite the process by which delegates consider each guide in light of the packed agenda for this assembly. Any amendments that are requested must be offered by delegates in writing in advance by close of business on Monday, April 8, 2019, resulting in a very tight deadline for the Washington chapter delegates to receive input from the membership.
Chapter members should send input for amendments by close of day on Saturday, April 6, 2019, to any of the following chapter delegates: Paula Reeves, Shane Hope, Esther Larsen, Nikole Coleman or Patrick Lynch.