President's Message

It’s hard to know what to say about what happened at our nation’s Capitol on January 6th, and you’ve heard it all by now.  We have a lot of work before us as a nation, as a profession, and as individuals to help our country heal the divisions between us.  

Fortunately, planners are optimistic people who believe that if you can anticipate and recognize change and its impacts, prepare for it, and involve the community in determining how to approach the future, you are in the best position to ensure that there will be a “win-win” outcome for all.   Hammering out how we can all benefit by embracing change and working together is our forte.

In the midst of everything that is happening these days, there are some great things going on in the Washington APA Chapter.  For example:  

Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI)

APA national is hoping to improve the demographic information it has on its members.  In turn, that data can help the Chapter provide better services and programming to address the needs of our members.  Today, the only data we have is that which was volunteered in members’ APA profiles.  Could you please help the chapter and APA round out that information?  If you haven’t yet added your demographic information to APA’s database, please add it to your profile page.  APA Chapters across the country are in the process of identifying chapter best practices and programs that can ensure that APA membership, leadership, and programming is supportive of all our nation’s population and planners.  

If you are interested in being a part of the Chapter’s EDI efforts, please get in touch with Maren Murphy.

Chapter and Section Officer Nominations 

The chapter needs candidates at all levels.  Please get in touch with your Section President, or the Chapter Secretary and let them know of your interest.  Sections and the Chapter are currently forming nomination committees.  It’s great fun to join with your peers and work on issues that can improve both our communities, and the professional lives of planners.   

Bylaws Amendment

The Chapter board is proposing transitioning the Youth in Planning Committee from an Ad Hoc committee to a Standing committee.  For more information, see the enclosed “Youth in Planning Committee” article.  If you have any questions or comments, please get in touch with me at [email protected].   

AICP Training

The chapter is planning to offer its annual Exam Prep class – virtually – on a Saturday in March 2021.  Details are not yet defined, but we know the class will be held on either one full day, or two partial days.  If you are interested in taking the class, and you have already applied to take the exam, you will be notified of the details.  If not, please follow the AICP page of the Chapter website where registration information will be posted, or contact Wayne Carlson, FAICP.

Education – Graduate, Undergraduate, and Continuing Ed. for Planners

The Chapter is looking to better serve our student members.  We will be looking at increasing the number of intern job opportunities listed on the Chapter’s website, as well as showcasing student and faculty projects at our three Planning Accreditation Board (PAB)-approved Planning schools.  This newsletter issue provides information on two students at the UW-Seattle and EWU who were selected to receive Chapter scholarships.  

Also, the Chapter website lists a good assortment of continuing education opportunities for professional planners (see Education and the Training Calendar).  The National Planning Conference 2021, (originally planned for Boston, but proposed as virtual this year) is scheduled for May 5-7, 2021.

If you have any comments about National, the chapter, or its events, please get in touch with me!

Nancy Eklund, AICP
APA WA President
[email protected]
(206) 850-1779