What's up at APA National?


Twice a year, leadership for the various components of National APA gather to coordinate and plan for the coming year. Here is a snapshot of the work that occurred in 2014:

Daniel Burnham Forum on Big Ideas
Congressman John Delaney's presented a talk, "Private Capital, Public Good," in partnership with the National Building Museum in Washington, D.C. on Sept. 28.

APA Board of Directors
The Board adopted the FY 2015 Revised Budget and reviewed and approved for publication the bylaws amendments that provide for consolidated elections. The Board approved a winter retreat in early February and deselected Miami Beach as the location for the 2018 National Planning Conference. Staff will compare options from New Orleans and Orlando.

AICP Commission
▪ The Commission approved special pins for members who have earned Advanced Specialty Certification and endorsed changing the focus of CM credit approval from individual CM events to CM providers.
▪ The Commission voted to suspend the Planners Training Service program after the November 2014 series and study members' needs for advanced education. The Commission approved creation of a members' AICP Exam Application Review Work Group to peer-review the applications of AICP exam candidates.
▪ The Commission approved nominations guidelines recommended by the College of Fellows Committee.

Chapter Presidents Council
Opening session: The CPC hosted an informal exchange with APA Board members and AICP Commissioners.
Business meeting: The CPC approved the proposed FY 2015 budget and a recommendation to make the chairs of APA component groups full voting members of the APA Board of Directors.
Minimum Chapter Performance Criteria: A group discussion introduced numerous recommendations to be reviewed by the CPC Chapter Assistance Committee. The Committee will present a revised draft of the criteria for consideration by the Council at the 2015 National Planning Conference in Seattle.
CPC grants: The Grants Committee awarded five grants totaling $16,000 to the California, Colorado, Louisiana, Northern New England, and Oregon chapters.

Divisions Council
Meet and Greet: Division chairs enjoyed an informal welcome and networking reception before discussing division initiatives. Attendees brainstormed scheduling, developing, and promoting initiatives and considered a potential opportunity to incorporate work from the "Aging and Livable Communities" initiative into the 2015 National Planning Conference.
Business meeting: The Council adopted the FY 2015 Work Plan and Budget, model bylaws prepared by the Bylaws Committee, and a new Small Division Travel Assistance program for Division chairs. APA staff shared ideas for engaging division members in developing the National Planning Conference program. The group heard reports from leaders of the APA Board, AICP Commission, committees, other components, and APA staff.
Informal discussions: David Rouse, AICP, APA Managing Director of Research and Advisory Services, reviewed grant and research opportunities. Senior Leadership Coordinator Jennie Gordon, AICP, presented and solicited feedback on a new draft budget template. DC Vice Chair, David Fields, AICP, presented and answered questions about a new, easy-to-complete Annual Performance Report template.

Student Representatives Council Executive Committee Business Meeting
▪ The SRC Executive Committee continued its discussion of early career activities at the National Planning Conference and voted to extend the term of service for future SRC Executive Committee members from one year to two.
▪ The Committee brainstormed ways for students to have meaningful input into the next development plan and how to best use funding for student activities provided by the Divisions Council.