2014 APA Washington Conference Wrap Up - By the Numbers

On October 16 and 17 more than 300 planners gathered at the Davenport Hotel in Spokane to learn, engage, socialize, and become inspired.  By all accounts, the conference was a grand and profitable success.  Here are some numerical highlights:

  • A lot of attendees and the rooms were packed! The conference welcomed more than 210 full registrations, 50 single-day registrations, and about 125 speaker/conference committee/sponsor registrations. Combined, more than 300 people attended the conference. 
  • Almost 50 sessions with 100+ speakers 33 full-time student registrations
  • $29,400 contributed by our wonderful sponsors and exhibitors
  • $2,300 raised for Student Scholarships at the Opening Reception Silent Auction
  • More than 70 attendees at the Short Course on Local Planning
  • 2 mobile workshops with 23 participants
  • 4 out of 5 terrific Spokane drinking and eating establishments visited during the Way of the Marmot Pub Crawl (we ran out of time!!)
  • 7 Joint Award Winners and three Honorable Mentions
  • One lost….and then found…. laptop computer
  • The Presidential Reception resulted in 3 cases of beer and 0 bottles of wine consumed (note to the next host committee….people like wine at receptions), 3 visits from hotel security and one stray grey cooler
Thank you to all conference attendees, presenters, sponsors and especially to the conference organizers.  We hope to see you all in Seattle next spring for the APA National Conference!