Who are APA WA Chapter Members?

Did you know… APA WA has 5 international members, from Canada, Jordan, and Singapore? ...there are 23 APA WA inductees into the College of AICP Fellows? Find out more fun facts about the chapter’s membership and how to be involved in growing our great membership!

By: Nancy Eklund, AICP

  • Total Members: 1,666, of which 1,585 are from Washington.  The remaining 81 are from a host of states, or students and instructors in Washington schools.  Five members are international – Canada, Jordan, and Singapore.

  • Tenure in APA: A lot of APA WA members have joined in the last decade.   

  • Membership by Section: The distribution of members by sections shows that, as expected, the largest section is the Puget Sound Section (1,004 members), followed by the Inland Empire Section (156) and the Northwest Section (137).  The remaining sections are all similar in size: Columbia Section (84), South Sound and Southwest Sections (both 82), and the Peninsula Section (76 members).  Some members (e.g., from other states, students, etc.) were not assigned to sections.

  • Membership by AICP and FAICP:  Forty percent of APA Washington planners have achieved their AICP credential, and a few have also acquired additional AICP certificates in Urban Design, Transportation Planning, and Environmental Planning. Twenty-three of the state’s planners have been inducted into the College of AICP Fellows. 

  • Division Membership: Washington planners are well represented in the various APA National divisions.  Approximately 300 APA WA members are spread throughout the 21 different interest groups, with the most interest in the Sustainable Communities Division (123) and Environmental, Energy, Natural Resources Division (118).  

By the way, if you are interested, the Chapter is looking for a Membership Committee Chair! Contact the Chapter office or President, Nancy Eklund.