Proposed Changes for Washington Wildlife and Recreation Program 

The waiver would allow less than a 50 percent local match.

The Recreation and Conservation Funding Board is proposing changes to policies that will affect the Washington Wildlife and Recreation Program’s Local Parks, Trails, and Water Access Categories. The Board is seeking comments on four policy proposals providing four unique “pathways” for many local governments (cities, towns, counties, tribes, special purpose districts) to provide less than the current 50 percent minimum required match. 

How to Comment
Read a memo on the proposed changes and view proposed policies.Comments are due by midnight August 30, 2017. Submit comments to [email protected] (Write “WWRP Match Waiver Comments” in subject line) or mail to: 

Recreation and Conservation Office
ATTN: Adam Cole
P.O. Box 40917
Olympia, WA 98504-0917

What is Next?
Recreation and Conservation Office staff will review comments received, potentially make revisions to the proposed policies, and prepare final recommendations for the board to consider at its October 11-12, 2017 meeting. In-person public comments are welcome at the meeting. 

Contact Adam Cole, Natural Resource Policy Specialist at (360) 725-3939 or [email protected]. TDD: (360) 902-1992

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