AICP/Certificate Maintenance News


Nancy Eklund, AICP, WA-APA Professional Development Officer
[email protected]  / 206/495-1443


NEW AICP Members!

Congratulations to Washington’s newest AICP planners!

November 2017 Exam

  • Michael Austin, AICP
  • Malia Bassett, AICP
  • Sonja Burseth, AICP
  • Danielle Butsick, AICP
  • Jason Garnham, AICP
  • Heidi Gudde, AICP
  • Hannah McIntosh, AICP
  • Alan Peters, AICP
  • Gabriel Philips, AICP
  • Sarah Saviskas, AICP
  • Matthew Stafford, AICP
  • Nicole Stickney, AICP
  • Elizabeth Underwood-Bultmann, AICP


May 2018 Exam

  • Amanda Almgren, AICP
  • Erin David, AICP
  • Anna Dearman, AICP
  • April Delchamps, AICP
  • James DuBois, AICP
  • Brandon Herman, AICP
  • Daniel Kennedy, AICP
  • Benjamin Madeo, AICP
  • Jonathan Maland, AICP
  • Mike McCarty, AICP
  • Katrina Nygaard, AICP
  • Colin Poff, AICP
  • Colin Quinn-Hurst, AICP
  • Nicholas Richter, AICP
  • Jason Woycke, AICP

May 2018 Exam – AICP Candidates

  • Neal Abbott, AICP Candidate
  • Jonathan Ahn, AICP Candidate
  • Bryanna Osmonson, AICP Candidate
  • Annegret  Nautsch, AICP Candidate


Again, Washington has exhibited a higher pass rate than seen nationally:




United States

Number Passing


Number Passing



13 of 15


324 of 513



19* of 23


399 of 569


* Includes 4 AICP Candidates


AICP (Exam) Candidate Program

Beginning in November 2017, APA began allowing qualified APA Members take the exam prior to achieving all of the required education and experience.  To enroll in this pilot AICP Candidate Program, applicants must be students or graduates of a Planning Advisory Board accredited planning program.  

To participate in the program:

  • Enroll in the program at any time
  • Register for the AICP Certification Exam in December or June after you graduate






Arun Jain, FAICP


(nominated by the APA International Division)


Arun Jain is a U.S. and Indian educated planner, urban designer, and urban strategist with more than 30 years of U.S. and international experience in practice and academia. Formerly Portland, Oregon’s first Chief Urban Designer, Jain has worked on more than 90 public- and private-sector urban development projects, and a range of planning and urban design issues across 105 cities in 42 countries.  He has held academic positions in six universities and frequently advises the United Nations. A teacher and mentor, he takes an analytical and systems thinking approach to urban development.  He believes we must all work harder on building shared comprehension of urban complexity to better address uncertain futures.

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