2020 Class AICP College of Fellows - Nominations 

By Leonard Bauer and Karen Wolf

Congratulations! According to our records, you may be eligible to apply for nomination to 2020 College of Fellows of the American Institute of Certified Planners. Induction to the College of Fellows is the highest honor that AICP bestows upon a member. This honor recognizes the achievements of the professional as a model planner with significant contribution to planning and society. To be eligible, you must be a member of AICP for at least 15 years, be a member in good standing, and have made an outstanding contribution to the profession.

If you are interested in seeking nomination from the Washington Chapter of APA, please complete the Statement of Interest form below and return via email as directed no later than July 12, 2019. This is first step in the process and must be completed in order to receive consideration by Committee.

For more information, go directly to the APA/AICP website for the College of Fellows.


The APA Washington Chapter 2020 AICP College of Fellows Nominating Committee
Leonard Bauer and Karen Wolf, Co-Chairs


2020 Class AICP College of Fellows
Statement of Interest to Be Considered for Nomination By the APA Washington Chapter

Information about you:

☐      I have been a member of AICP for at least 15 years.
☐      I am a member of AICP in good standing.

What is your career focus area? (Check or highlight one)
☐      Professional practice
☐      Teaching and mentoring
☐      Research
☐      Community service and leadership

Please answer the following questions on a separate page as they relate to your selected category:

  • Please describe your professional work; in particular, what themes run through your career? (200 words max)
  • Please explain why the work over your career makes a significant and unique contribution to the field of planning (400 words max)
  • How has your work changed and improved the field of planning? (200 words max)
  • Please describe your past and/or current involvement in APA Washington Chapter and/or Section activities (200 words max).
  • Please describe how your experience matches the criteria as outlined in the Primary Criteria and Career Focus Area Criteria (FAICP Guidelines Handbook) for your focus area. (400 words max)
  • Please list the 10 people you plan to contact to write letters of support


  • National APA/AICP website for College of Fellows: https://www.planning.org/faicp/
  • APA Washington Chapter website: www.washington-apa.org
  • APA Washington Chapter 2020 AICP College of Fellows Nominating Committee members and contact information:
Leonard Bauer, FAICP, Co-chair [email protected]
Karen Wolf, FAICP, Co-chair [email protected] 
Steve Butler, FAICP [email protected]
Wayne Carlson, FAICP [email protected]
Brad Collins, FAICP [email protected]
Fred Hurand, FAICP [email protected]
Arun Jain, FAICP [email protected]
Mark Kulaas, FAICP [email protected]
Robin McClelland, FAICP [email protected]
Mike McCormick, FAICP [email protected]
Roger Millar, FAICP [email protected]
Joe Tovar, FAICP [email protected]
Lisa Verner, FAICP [email protected]


June 2019 Eligible persons are notified of the Chapter nomination process; Statement of Interest form available.
July 12 4:30 PM Deadline for submittal of Statement of Interest form via email to Leonard Bauer and Karen Wolf, Committee Co-chairs
July 15-26 Committee review and determination of candidates to be nominated by Chapter; all submitters will be notified.
August-September Committee will mentor and assist candidate(s) designated for Chapter nomination with their preparation of applications. 
September 13 First draft of complete packet due to committee.
September 16- 30 Mentors offer comments/suggestions/critiques; nominee(s) refine/revise application, secures all letters of recommendation.
October 3 Final day for application package, including recommendation letters and headshot photograph, submitted to Chapter office and committee chair.
October 10 Final nomination package transmitted to APA National

Complete and email this form to Nominating Committee Co-chairs Leonard Bauer and Karen Wolf on or before 4:30 PM PDST July 12 for consideration. All submittals will be acknowledged as received in a reply email. Call Karen at 206-920-2863 or Leonard at 360-753-8206 if you do not receive an acknowledgment. ALL SUBMITTALS AND DECISIONS WILL BE HELD IN STRICT CONFIDENCE by the Nominating Committee.

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