Save money on membership fees and conference registrations!

Membership sale from National APA

Think about all you get from APA and the Washington Chapter: high-quality professional education, social and networking events, discounts on national and chapter conferences, and more.

Don’t your non-APA friends, coworkers, and colleagues in related fields deserve those benefits, too? APA has a deal for them! APA is recruiting new members and offering a sweet 25 percent discount on national dues to individuals who join by September 30. (Sorry, students and officials do not qualify for this offer.)

Tell your friends that joining APA online and saving 25 percent is fast and convenient. Send prospective members a link to Tell them not to wait. This great deal ends on September 30!

Reduced rate for chapter-only membership

Did you know that the chapter-only membership fees are now reduced to only $50 per year? This is a great opportunity for planning professionals, planning commissioners, and citizens interested in planning to get involved. Share this great news with your colleagues and friends! For more information, visit

Get a discount on your APA Washington conference registration fee

APA Washington has launched this year’s membership recruitment drive. You can now recruit new members at the reduced membership fees mentioned above and get a discount on your Conference Registration fee!

WHEN: The recruitment drive will run concurrently with the Chapter’s 2014 Annual Conference registration, until October 17, 2014. Any APA Washington members who recruit new members during the conference registration period will be eligible to get a discount on their conference registration fee at the following rates:

  • $30 discount for recruiting each national APA and chapter-only member
  • $15 discount for recruiting each student member

WHY: Don't miss this opportunity to save money on your conference registration fee! Bring your co-workers, staff and friends to the APA Washington community by recruiting them during the membership recruitment drive. They will also enjoy the benefits of networking, training, participating in the legislative process, and much more!

HOW: There are just a few simple steps for the new member and the person who recruits them:

  • For the new member: To recruit new members, have the new member visit From this link, they can download an application form in pdf or join online. For Chapter-Only membership, use the same form and write "Chapter-Only" across the front of a regular membership application form and submit the form and membership fee ($50 starting as of July 1, 2014) to the National APA office. Note that a new member is defined as anyone who has not been a member of APA Washington in the previous 12 months.
  • For the “recruiter”: When the recruiter registers for the state conference in Spokane, the registration form will prompt you to fill in the name of the new member you recruited and, as soon as their name shows up on our membership list, a rebate check will be sent to you.

QUESTIONS: For additional information on any of these options, please contact Stephanie Kennedy at [email protected].


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