Ten Big Ideas: Volunteers Needed!

By Jill Sterrett

The Ten Big Ideas Initiative, an outgrowth of the Game Changing Initiative, is designed to bring about far-reaching and fundamental change on a variety of issues. Topics include addressing climate change, rebuilding our infrastructure, restoring and protecting our ecosystems, supporting economic development and supporting sustainable agriculture.  Our first round of products are designed as tools and resources to help local planners deal with emerging issues around our 10 topics.  You can find those results on our website.

This year, we are working on developing short videos highlighting these issues to communicate with elected officials, completing further work on climate change, consolidating ideas for new legislation, and enhancing our website. We would love to have your help in these areas:

  1. Video filming.  We have a videographer to film our speakers and to create the polished products.  We could use one or two people with a video camera to shoot on-location footage in the Puget Sound Region and/or at other locations around the state, especially Spokane and Olympia.
  2. Climate Change Discussion Briefs.  We have a good working group developing 8 to10 page discussion briefs on the impacts of climate change on many topics.  Topics where we could use more help include:
    1. Energy
    2. Waste Management
    3. Mobility
    4. Construction and green building practices

    Also, if you want to get involved, but are not focused on these particular topics, we can find a fit with another topic or use your help in researching city examples.

  3. Regional Forum Preparation.  We are planning a regional forum to occur in September or October to discuss the results of our Big Ideas efforts and which of these might translate to legislative action.  We could use help at 3 levels for this event: 1) Helping with organizing & structuring the event itself, 2) Moderating the discussions during the event, and 3) Covering logistics such as compiling mailing lists, sending invitations, tracking responses, recording comments at the event, etc.
  4. Website Design & Enhancements. Although we now have the Big Ideas website posted, we would like to make it more user-friendly and interactive.  The Chapter’s administrative support staff will make the actual changes, but we need someone with knowledge of website design to create the ideas and coordinate the change.

We received great feedback from the recent membership survey that shows members are happy to help—so here are some opportunities that might appeal to you.  All of these are short-term assignments and most have some flexibility in timing, so it should be relatively easy to work them into your schedule.  Most of the interaction occurs via conference calls, so you don’t need to be in the Seattle region to participate. Students are also welcome!

If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Jill Sterrett at [email protected].  

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