Now Available: Private Practice Planning Handbook

APA Private Practice Division has produced an award-winning 49-page publication that will be of value to all private planning consultants, the “Private Planning Practice Handbook.” Led by Mentoring Committee co-chairs Ramona Mullahey and Carol Thomas, and edited by division member Jerry Weitz, FAICP, the Mentoring Committee initiated the creation of this publication as a substantive response to a flurry of member queries about business practices. The Private Practice Planning Handbook and the Private Practice Division will be honored with the APA “Best Practices Award” at the 2015 National Planning Conference in Seattle.

The publication offers insightful information to both novice and seasoned planning consultants, including topics such as “Organizing the Planning Consulting Business,” “Project Management,” “The Personal Side of Consulting,” and many useful templates, including a sample agreement for services.

The production of the handbook was an impressive collaborative process, exemplifying the best of private planning practice professionals and division members working together to produce a much-needed, high-quality resource. We are proud to have this exciting publication to offer as an exclusive Private Practice Division member-only benefit. To receive your PDF copy, please send a request to [email protected]

Not a member yet? Join today! Annual division membership is only $25 for APA members, or $40 for division-only membership. To join, go to 


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