November/December President's Message
By Paula Reeves, AICP CTP
With the holidays upon us, I am thinking back over the past year and all that the Chapter has accomplished. 2016 has been full of member-led APA events and activities at the Section, Chapter and National levels. Just a few of the many highlights of this past year for me included:
- Chapter endorsement of the first Carbon Tax Legislation in the nation. Although I-732 didn’t pass this year, it was a victory to get this groundbreaking initiative on the ballot and I am proud to say that APA Washington was a part of it.
- Securing both Chapter and National APA funding ($50K) to support the “Collaborative Road Map,” a multi-agency/organization effort to objectively review and modernize Washington’s planning laws including GMA, SEPA, SMA, Water Coordination Planning, governance and finance.
- Creation of the new South Sound Section and other efforts to incorporate and reach historically underserved parts of our state with APA events, activities, and education opportunities.
- Development of a pilot Great Places in Washington Awards program.
- Jointly hosting another APA Oregon-Washington Chapter Conference in Portland in October with record attendance and a jam-packed schedule of outstanding sessions and speakers. Several moments from the Conference are pictured here:
![](/assets/images/newsletter_images/2016/November-December/2016_apawa_december_1.png) Photos courtesy of Michael Cardwell
The 2016 successes continue:
- Chapter membership is up;
- Our efforts to provide an increased number of high quality, affordable, and accessible events and education opportunities continues;
- Our Community Planning Assistance and Youth in Planning Committees are doing outstanding work across the state;
- All Board of Directors positions are filled; and,
- We have elected an outstanding slate of new APA Washington Chapter Officers.
This month, the Board is expected to approve a 2017 Chapter budget and associated priorities consistent with the feedback we have received from members and the Chapter’s 2016-2019 Strategic Plan. We would sincerely appreciate your input and feedback regarding priorities for 2017.
As always, I invite you to drop me a line or call me directly at [email protected] or 360-701-1943.
All the Best – Paula Reeves
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